‘Excellence in English Teaching and Research
for better learning outcomes’
April 28-29, 2015
Call for Proposals and Participant Application
Please direct inquiries and submit proposals to the organizing committee executive secretary
Tatyana Letyaikina: KazTEA2014@gmail.com
Applications and proposals for scholarships are due no later than
March 25, 2015.
We express our gratitude to the RELO Office, US Department of State for sponsoring scholarships for 25 participants from Kazakhstan
Scholarship Details: 22 scholarships for Kazakhstani residents will be awarded by the Regional English Language Office, U.S. Embassy in Kazakhstan to selected participants. These scholarships include roundtrip domestic transportation and accommodations. Selection for these scholarships will be conducted by members of organizing committee and approved by the U.S. Embassy staff. Preferences will be given to awardees with a strong ability and opportunity to share their knowledge with others. Applicants that are not selected for full scholarships are still invited to apply to attend the conference at their own expense.
KazTEA Conference ‘Excellence in English Teaching and Research for better learning outcomes’ is designed to enhance competency-based EFL teaching as well as develop EFL teacher’s proactivity via sharing best practices.
The KazTEA 2015 conference will be held in Kostanay on April 28-29, 2015. The venue of the conference is A.Baitursynov Kostanay State University, a leading center of innovation in education, science and culture in the north of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Address: str. Baitursynov 47, Kostanay.
- Teacher’s role in EFL classroom for better learning outcomes
- The ESP classroom for the workplace
- Tips for teaching English for young learners
- Interactive White Boards and E-teaching in the language classroom
- From passive English learners to critical thinkers
- Language and Culture crosswords’ answers
- Action research as the way of professional development
Demonstration (50-minute practical-oriented presentation): Shows, rather than tells, a technique for teaching or testing. The presenter should spend no more than 5 minutes explaining the theory underlying the technique. Handouts are expected and audiovisual aids are encouraged.
Paper (30-minute research-oriented presentation): An oral summary, with occasional reference to notes or a text that discusses the presenters’ work in relation to theory and/or practice. Handouts are expected and audiovisual aids are encouraged.
Poster Session (1 hour): The poster session is a self-explanatory exhibit that allows for informal discussion with participants. Exhibits are set up during the hour before the session and dismantled in the hour afterward. The poster should include a title, the name and institutional affiliation of the presenter(s), and a brief text with clearly labeled photos, drawings, graphs, or charts. Presenters are available for discussion. Detailed guidelines will be sent to accepted poster session presenters. First time attendees and graduate students are especially encouraged to apply for the poster session, which could serve as an important and interactive forum for sharing your work and receiving feedback. Handouts are expected.
Workshop (50 minutes): A carefully structured, hands-on professional development activity. The leader helps participants solve a problem or develop a specific teaching or research technique. Handouts are expected and audiovisual aids are encouraged.
All presenters must submit their application forms with abstracts to the Organizing Committee before March 25, 2015. We plan to place the abstracts in the conference program; therefore, each abstract must clearly reflect the content of the presentation and the targeted audience. The abstract should be written in one paragraph with full sentences.
Committee members evaluate the abstracts to accept or reject a proposal. Preferences will be given to the strong proposals that match the requirements of every type of presentation and reflect your title and objectives. The clarity and flow, originality, significance, and logical sequence of your proposal all effect the committee’s decision.
Those who would like to have their papers published must submit them to the Organizing Committee to KazTEA2014paper@gmail.com . 3-6 page papers will be published online with an IBSN. Papers can be written in three formats: Research, Teaching Practice and Commentary, and in one of the 3 languages: English, Kazakh or Russian. All submissions will be checked for originality. Authors bear full responsibility for their paper content, punctuation, stylistic and grammatical organization.
Check the guidelines for papers and publication fees in the file ‘Call for Papers’.
The registration fee includes access to all the sessions, conference programs and certificate publication, conference materials and organizational expenses. The registration fee should be paid to the Organizing Committee upon arrival to Kostanay at the registration desk.
The deadline for submitting applications and papers is March 25, 2015. The notification of the participants selected by the Organizing Committee will be provided by April 3, 2014.
For questions and further queries, please contact:
Tatyana Letyaikina, President a.i., KazTEA
e-mail: KazTEA2014@gmai.com
Tel: 87018178195
Yelena Kandalina, International Office A.Baitursynov Kostanay State University
+77142 3906 22
e-mail: ksuintrel@gmail.com
‘Excellence in English Teaching and Research for better learning outcomes’
Call for Proposals and Participant Application
First Name:
Last Name:
Address (City):
Telephone (home):
Telephone (Mobile):
Email address:
Job Title:
Years of Teaching Experience
Membership of professional organization
Yes ◻ No ◻
Name of the organization__________
Alumni/a of exchange program
Yes ◻ No ◻
Name of the program ____________________
1) Type and Title of Contribution:
Demonstration ◻ Workshop ◻ Paper ◻ Poster ◻
Title of Proposal (not more than 10 words):
2) Information for Conference Program:
Give a brief description of how you would like your proposal to be described in the conference program (not more than 50 words).
3) Topic area: (Tick ✓)
Teacher’s role in EFL classroom for better learning outcomes
The ESP classroom for the workplace
Tips for teaching English for young learners
Interactive White Boards and E-teaching in the language classroom
From passive English learners to critical thinkers
Language and Culture crosswords’ answers
Action research as the way of professional development
4) Equipment Needed for Conference Contribution:
Please check the boxes of any equipment you will need for your workshop, presentation, or poster.
◻ Projector ◻ CD Player/Speakers ◻ Laptop Computer
◻ Whiteboard ◻ Flipcharts ◻ Other:
5) Abstract (maximum 250 words):
In maximum 250 words, please describe your planned presentation to KazTEA 2015. You should include information on what you will be presenting and on how it is important to the conference theme in the English language teaching and leadership in TEFL education.
Please submit proposals by March 25, 2015 to:
N/B If you are not selected for funding, you will still be able to attend the conference at your own expense. To do so, please submit your application to KazTEA2014@gmail.com by April 8, 2015