Джакупова Карлыгаш Берикказыновна учитель английского языка ГУ «Средняя общеобразовательная школа №15» г. Семей, Восточно-Казахстанская область
Тема: Health habits Класс: 10 Цель: развитие лингвистических способностей учащихся, желания общаться на английском языке; воспитание доброты, этики, культуры взаимоотношений, умения перевоплощаться в ролевой игре. Образовательные задачи: проверить уровень сформированности навыков и умений в монологической и диалогической речи по изученной теме, а также навыки и умения в чтении с извлечением необходимой информации. Закрепить лексические единицы по теме. Оборудование: интерактивная доска, разные карточки, витаминки, красное яблоко. Ход урока 1. Организационный момент. T: Good morning, dear pupils! I am very glad to see you and hope that you are ready for the lesson. Now, on your desks you can see pictures of different moods. You can choose one which really shows how you are feeling at the moment. You can put a tick in front of it. 2. Введение в тему урока. T: Today we’ll speak about health habits, good and bad habits. Is there anything more important than health? How do you think? P: No, there isn’t. Health is very important for us. T: Taking vitamins is important for our health. Do you agree? P: Yes, I do. We must take vitamins in spring and winter. T: Today I’ll give you vitamins for each right answer. 3. Работа по картинам. Look at the blackboard. There are some pictures. You must name the picture and say "a good health habit” or "a bad health habit”. P: Drinking alcohol – a bad health habit. Eating fruit – a good health habit. 4. Закрепление лексики по теме. There are good and bad health habits. Read these words and divide them into 2 groups. Good habit Bad habit smoking, healthy diet, do sports, eating sweets, drinking alcohol, eating breakfast, taking drugs, sleeping too much or too little, regular meals, getting up early, eating fat food, exercising, taking vitamins, etc. 5. Работа с текстом. a) What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a computer? P: We can get a lot of information. P: But it damages our eyes. b) You are going to read a short story about a computer addict. Before reading the text study the words in the boxes. c) Read the story. d) Answer these questions: What is the text about? Where did he learn how to use a computer? Did his parents buy him a computer? Why had he become a computer addict? How did Erlan understand that a computer is dangerous for his health? Is he a computer addict now? e) Role play: Erlan, Erlan’s parents, Erlan’s friend. f) What advice would you give to Erlan? 6. Физминутка. Are you tired? Let’s sing a Song "If you are healthy….” 7. Контроль домашнего задания. a) Some pupils have individual home tasks to prepare dialogues about health. b) Do you understand their dialogues? What are they about? There are some pictures from their dialogues. Try to name them in Kazakh. 8. Пословицы по данной теме. There are a lot of proverbs about health. You must put these words in right order to make up proverbs. 9. Игра «10 вопросов». Let’s play. There are 10 questions on the blackboard. You must answer them very quickly. 10. Решение проблемы. What must this man do to be healthy? Help him, please! 11. Рефлексия. Take this "magic” apple – a symbol of health. Pass it to your friend with good words to him. Учащиеся, передавая яблоко друг – другу, произносят добрые слова – пожелания одноклассникам. P1: I wish you to be healthy. P2: I wish you to be happy. 12. Какое у вас настроение? Take your pictures of different moods once more and choose one which shows your mood at the moment. 13. Заключительный этап урока. a) Giving homework. b) Marking. Count your vitamins. Who is the best today? I give excellent marks to ….. I give good marks to ….. Our lesson is over. See you soon.