90) A double-decker is…
a) a
train b) a small plain c) a hotel
room for two people d) a bus
91) The common name for a toy bear in England is…
Michael-bear b) Tom- bear c) Teddy-bear d) Jack-bear
92) The "Dynasty”
is an American…
opera b) soap opera c) musical d) documentary
93) The Crown
Jewels are in …
a) the
Tower of London b) Buckingham
Palace c) Westminster Palace d) the
British Museum
94) St. Patrick is the patron of …
Wales b) England c) Ireland d) Scotland
95) St. Valentine’s Day is observed in …
February b) May c) November d) December
96) In England " public school ” means …
state- financed school b) private school c) comprehensive school d) religious school
97) When it is 12 o’clock in Moscow in London it is…
a) 6
o’clock b) 7 o’clock c) 8 o’clock d) 9 o’clock
98) In Britain people’s weight is measured in …
a) tons b) kilos c) stones and pounds d) pints
99) Santa Barbara is in…
a)California b) Florida c) Arizona d) Texas
100) The first colonists in America started the
tradition of…
Independence Day b) Halloween c) Thanksgiving Day d) Memorial Day e) St. Patric’s Day
101) Prince Charles is Queen Elizabeth’s II…
son b) husband c) father d) brother e) uncle
102) Why did people from England come to America?
a)they had
listened about the New World b)they took part in the War of
wanted to make a better life for themselves
d)they did not like America
e)they wanted to speak English
103) What does Britain consists of…
a)England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland b)North
America, South America c)the West End,
the East End d)Westminster, the City
104) What do the Scots celebrate on ‘hogmanay’?
a) St. Patric’s
Day b) New Year’s Eve c) Halloween d) Christmas
105) Name two major British political parties…
Parliament, Senate b) The House of Parliament, the House of
Lord c) Labour, Conservative d)
Liberal, Labour