51) The capital of Canada is …
Ottawa b) Quebec c) Toronto d) Melbourne
52) The British money is …
franks b) dollars c) crones
d) pounds
53) Robin Hood
is …
a) a
national hero of England b) a British
spy c) a popular character of novels and tales d) a famous writer
54) Margaret Thatcher was …
a) Queen
of Britain b) British Prime
Minister c) leader of the Labour
party d) a film star
55) In the United States "down town” means…
a) away
from the center b) in the centre c) in a suburb d) a
small town
56) The Quakers are …
a) a
religious movement b) a pop group c) the title of a book d) the title of a film
57) What great historical event happened in 1066?
a) the Roman invasion b) a bourgeois revolution c) the battle of Hastings d) the Danish invasion
58) The printing press was invented by …
Oliver Cromwell b) William
Caxton c) William the Conqueror d) Alexander Bell
59) Secondary education in Britain is …
compulsive b) compulsory c) optional d) voluntary
60) The size of
the house in Britain is determined by the number of …
sittings rooms b) kitchens c) bedrooms d) floors
61) The capital of Australia is …
Melbourne b) Sidney c) Canberra d) Ottawa
62) Cockney is…
a) a bird b) a dish c) an accent d) a town
63) Aberdeen is in…
England b) Scotland c) Wales d) Ireland
64) The safest topic for conversation in England is…
politics b) music c) weather d)
65) John Steinbeck is a famous … writer
English b) American c) Canadian d) Australian
66) The US consists of … states
38 b)49 c) 50 d) 51
67) High school is …
a) a
college b) a university c) a very good school d) upper grades of secondary school
68) The English colonization of the American continent
began in the …
a) 15th
century b)16th century
c) 17th century d)
18th century
69) Bill Clinton is the … President of the US
40th b) 41st c) 42nd d) 43d
70) " Alice in Wonderland” was written by …
a) Jane
Austen b) Muriel Spark c) Lewis Carroll d) Iris Murdock
71) England consists of …
districts b) counties c) states d) regions
72) Smog is …
a) a man’s
suit b) a heavy rain c) a thick fog d) a man’s hat
73) Porridge is made of …
wheat b) barley c) rye d) oats
74) A limerick is …
a) a
dish b) a rhyme c) a bird d)
a game
75) Boston is
Florida b) Mexico c) Texas
d) Massachusetts
76) Gulf Stream originates in …
a) the
Gulf of Mexico b) the Persian Gulf
c) the Gibraltar d) the
Panama Canal
77) The Tower of
London now is …
a) a
prison b) a royal residence
c) a museum d) a burial place
78) Englishmen eat dinner at…
a) 11
a.m. b) 2 p.m. c) 6 p.m.
d) 9 p.m.
79) A brunch is…
a) breakfast b) late breakfast c) dinner
d) a tea party
80) What river does London stand on?
a) the
Thames b) the Severn c) the Avon d) the Clyde
81) Under what king did the knights of the round table
gather together?
a) Henry
IV b) Edward II
c) Arthur d) William the
82) What is Britain separated from the Continent by?
a) the
English Channel b) the Persian Gulf
c) the Suez Canal d) the Gulf
of Mexico
83) Robert Burns
is a … poet .
a) American b) English c) Scottish d) Welsh
84) R. Kipling wrote …
a) "
Canterbury Tales” b) "Alice in
Wonderland” c) " Treasure
Island” d) "Maugly”
85) The language spoken in Scotland is …
Scot b) Scottish c) Scotch d) Scotland’s
86) The oldest university in Britain is…
London b) Cambridge c) Oxford d)
87) The financial centre of London is …
a) the
West End b) the East End c) Westminster d) the City
88) Which party is in power in Great Britain now?
a) the
Labour b) the Conservative c) the Liberal d) the Social –Democratic
89) The telephone number to call for emergency
services in Britain is…
03 b) 09 c) 911 d) 999